Hey friends, I'm Vesta! I'm a proud wife, mother, and more Importantly, a happy spunky nana! I love to travel with my family making adventurous memories.


As we get to know each other, you will be seeing a lot of purple around here, why? It's my favorite color!


I am the Founder of Bugsy Unexplored Travel specializing in family, group, and couples travel. I'm a very enthusiastic traveler who loves to travel with my grandkids and family. I also enjoy booking and talking about travel with other nanas like myself. 😉


While planning dream family vacations, I will aim to get you the absolute best rates and value. Here at Bugsy Unexplored Travel, I'm committed to service and excellence, taking care of all the details and making sure that all of your travels needs are made easy.


I'm in love with photography, I like taking fun pictures of people and sharing photos with them by email or social media. I feel happy inside seeing how they are looking at themselves being natural and candid. Also, I have a passion for going to car shows.


I really like to communicate with people and get to know new and interesting individuals. While volunteering meeting new people who support all my efforts gives me a lot of energy. I believe that friendship is one of the most important value in human life.


As The World Turns, I'm currently striving to make this world a better place to live by starting in the changes with myself. Sure, I've had bad experiences in my life, but this is exactly what made me the way I am now, grateful for love, travel, family, and the chance to spend time with them in beautiful places. My life experiences have also instilled in me a desire to help people and do well because it will help me become a successful person in the future and have a high quality of life.


I hope that in the future we can swap life and travel stories.